Edinburgh Portrait Photo Session – Anne, Edinburgh Hidden Corner

Each city hides mysterious corners, moreover, some of them are literally just around the corner. Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, also has several of them and every time I am there I discover some of them. You can find here a lot of gorgeous spots for an Edinburgh portrait photo session.

Dunbar’s Close is a beautiful hidden garden not so far from Hollyrood Park. Moreover, it is a great place for the portrait photo session in Edinburgh.

You might find it when walking from Edinburgh Castle to Hollyrood Park, through Canongate Street. It’s just next to Ye Olde Christmas Shoppe (turn left in one of the gates). When you are in the garden, you might get the impression that you have entered a different world. Dunbar’s Close is very close to the street, however, there is very quiet and cosy. And this is why I like this place so much!


What do you think about this place? Isn’t it lovely? However, it has to look gorgeous during spring and summertime when flowers are blooming.

It is an amazing spot in Edinburgh not only for a portrait session but also for engagement or couples photoshoot. Please contact me with any queries about a portrait session, engagement or couples photoshoot in Edinburgh.

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